Parry Gripp / For Those About to Shop, We Salute You [790058913628]
Parry Gripp / For Those About to Shop, We Salute You
在庫数 在庫なし
ex. "Nerf Herder"のフロントマンParry Grippによる51曲35分のソロデビュー・アルバム!!
リリース: 2005
レーベル: Oglio
01. Great Nachos, Great Price
02. Say Hello to Your Brand New Favorite Pizza
03. One Donut a Day
04. Fried Chicken
05. Bran Flakes
06. We'Re Gonna Kick Your Ass Today
07. Time for Tennis
08. European Football
09. Baseball Is Fun
10. Golf
11. Golf Is Groovy
12. Muffler Shop
13. At the Bar
14. London's Calling
15. Health Food Store
16. Pita City Falafel
17. Truck Drivin' Man
18. Big Mamma-Jamma
19. This Is One Hell of a Truck
20. Good Woman, Good Truck, Good Life
21. Nice Mother@#!*&G Truck
22. More Blades=better Shave
23. You'Ve Got to Have Faith (in Your Anti-Perspirant)
24. That Ain't Fresh
25. Mouthwash
26. Coffee Breath
27. Do You Like Waffles
28. Waffles Are Outrageous
29. Dippin'
30. Got to Dip It!
31. Everybody's Dipping
32. Beer in a Can
33. You Need a Beer
34. You'Re My One, You'Re My Only, You'Re My Beer
35. Drinking a Beer with My Lady
36. Light Beer
37. It's the Greatest Deal
38. Don't Wait Too Long
39. Blue Light Special
40. This Sale Is Going to Blow Your Mind
41. Big Sale
42. Mucho Caffeino, Pico Dinero
43. Drinkin' Time
44. You Ain't Never Drank No Soda Like This One Here
45. She Likes Yoo-Hoo (More Than She Likes Me-Hoo)
46. Leprechaun's Holiday
47. Life's Too Short
48. Why Do I Always Get in the Wrong Line at the Grocery Store?
49. You Can't Sleep
50. You Need Our Cold Medicine
51. Hooray for Santa Claus
Parry Gripp - Great Nachos, Great Price
Parry Gripp - One Donut A Day
Notes & Tracklis

リリース: 2005
レーベル: Oglio
01. Great Nachos, Great Price
02. Say Hello to Your Brand New Favorite Pizza
03. One Donut a Day
04. Fried Chicken
05. Bran Flakes
06. We'Re Gonna Kick Your Ass Today
07. Time for Tennis
08. European Football
09. Baseball Is Fun
10. Golf
11. Golf Is Groovy
12. Muffler Shop
13. At the Bar
14. London's Calling
15. Health Food Store
16. Pita City Falafel
17. Truck Drivin' Man
18. Big Mamma-Jamma
19. This Is One Hell of a Truck
20. Good Woman, Good Truck, Good Life
21. Nice Mother@#!*&G Truck
22. More Blades=better Shave
23. You'Ve Got to Have Faith (in Your Anti-Perspirant)
24. That Ain't Fresh
25. Mouthwash
26. Coffee Breath
27. Do You Like Waffles
28. Waffles Are Outrageous
29. Dippin'
30. Got to Dip It!
31. Everybody's Dipping
32. Beer in a Can
33. You Need a Beer
34. You'Re My One, You'Re My Only, You'Re My Beer
35. Drinking a Beer with My Lady
36. Light Beer
37. It's the Greatest Deal
38. Don't Wait Too Long
39. Blue Light Special
40. This Sale Is Going to Blow Your Mind
41. Big Sale
42. Mucho Caffeino, Pico Dinero
43. Drinkin' Time
44. You Ain't Never Drank No Soda Like This One Here
45. She Likes Yoo-Hoo (More Than She Likes Me-Hoo)
46. Leprechaun's Holiday
47. Life's Too Short
48. Why Do I Always Get in the Wrong Line at the Grocery Store?
49. You Can't Sleep
50. You Need Our Cold Medicine
51. Hooray for Santa Claus


Parry Gripp - Great Nachos, Great Price
Parry Gripp - One Donut A Day

1) 代金引換 [クロネコヤマト/ゆうパック]:宅急便送料+手数料315円(10,000円以上~ 420円、30,000円以上~ 630円)
※ クロネコヤマトでは、現金、電子マネー及びクレジットカードが使用できる【クロネコeコレクト】をご利用頂けます。
2) 宅急便 [クロネコヤマト]:¥500~(安全!銀行振込先払い、入金確認後配送)
3) ゆうパック:¥680~(安全!銀行振込先払い、入金確認後配送)
4) クリックポスト [日本郵政]:¥198 [全国一律料金](最安!CD2枚、又はTシャツ1枚、又はDVD1本まで。先払い。ポストへの投函)
5) レターパックライト [日本郵政]:¥370 [全国一律料金](CD2枚、又はTシャツ1枚、又はDVD1本まで。先払い。ポストへの投函)
6) レターパックプラス [日本郵政]:¥520 [全国一律料金](CD6枚、又はTシャツ3枚、又はDVD4本まで。先払い。対面でお届けし、受領印または署名をいただきます。)
7) 日本郵便 定形外 [日本郵政]:¥510 [全国一律料金](アナログ盤1枚購入専用。先払い。保証、追跡番号ナシ。到着日時の指定ナシ。郵便受箱へ配達。郵便受箱に入らない場合は、不在配達通知書を差し入れた上で、配達を行う郵便局へ持ち戻ります。)




